Fotos e tweet (em inglês) da #AECON3.

Está acontecendo na Europa a Asylum 3, com a presença de vários atores do do elenco de Supernatural, como Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Sebastian Roché, e outros. Abaixo segue mais de 40 comentários sobre a convenção, mas estão todos em inglês. Pelo a compreensão de todos, e eu juro que se der tempo, eu tento traduzir as frases. Confiram também algumas imagens da convenção:


Comentários: By @murkeye:

Jim: What? Dutch? Where's dutchland?
Jim loves Japan. He said Kyoto is the most beautiful place on earth.
Jim: I haven't said Balls or Idjit to anybody before I got to play Bobby Singer.
Seb's favourite episode is 'The French Mistake'.
Jim: Is it difficult to be invisible? Well, I didn't came to work that day.
#AECON3 Jim Beaver
Jim: I've written all the fanfiction.
Jim: I'm still figuring out what all the slash marks are.
Jim read a couple fanfictions.
Jim: One fan wrote a whole background story of Bobby and his wife. That was really interesting.
Jim: The fanfictions got too hot for me.
Jim: We have a lot of fun at the set.
Jim: I wouldn't decide between having Dean or Sam as a real son. Bobby loves them both.
Jim: I know you guys think Bobby prefers Dean or Sam. This ain't true.
Jim said Bobby will come back!
Jim: I've heard that in the german version Sam & Dean sound like kids on the Mickey Mouse Club.
Jim: Mein Urgroßvater war Deutscher.
Jim: Ich habe 4 Jahre Hochschule und Universität studiert.
Jim: see you next year!
Jim: Cas is for Bobby the baby with the trenchcoat.
Jim: Dean and Castiel. GET A ROOM!

Seb: Misha just came with me! *smirks*
Seb: Misha has to shave sssrrrsss
Misha: what you mean? The legalisation of pornography?
Seb: I love the german porn TV. Goes like ACHT NULL EINUNDZWANZIG WÄHLEN
Seb: They're all pregnant after the coffee lounge
#AECON3 Misha & Seb
Seb: Dummkopf! Misha: I thought your head is nice
Seb: What is a Leviathan? Misha: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!
Fan asked what Cas meant with the more profound bound about Dean.
Misha: Cas was flirting with Sam and Sam didn't responded. That hurted Cas
Misha: I think Dean and Cas. They have some secrets.
Seb: Dean & Cas use Lubricant.
Misha: you're tumblr pages are awesome.
Misha: I'm @sebroche on Twitter Seb: and I'm Mrs. Collins
There was a question about a Supernatural drinking game. Misha: everytime Sam & Dean stare deeply in each others eyes you drink.
Fan: Would you say yes if an angel wants your body as a vessel? Misha: No.
Matt: Seb wants my body as his vessel. Seb: Uh yeah.

Misha: We would like to have the next con to be in Germanetherlands. So everyone is happy!
Misha: Wayne is not able to decide! We want next year a con here, right? So why not letting it happen?!

Does Adam get out of hell? Jim Michaels: He was an ass.
Jim Michaels says perhaps Jeremy Carver will bring back the Trickster!
Ben Edlund will always work on the show, so says Jim Michaels.
Dean is Han Solo and Sam is Luke Skywalker. Kripke created Supernatural because of Star Wars.
Jim Michaels don't know if we will see Dean's necklace again.
Thanks to @RogueEvents and all the #Supernatural fans who attended #AECON3 ! I had a great time meeting so many of you!

Créditos: MyCoven!

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